chalet du lac

Useful informations


The Bus station «Hotel Adele» is only 30meters walking down «via Rasia» -going right.  With the blue and greenlines you can reach every corner of Livigno for free. Busses do pass every 5-10minutes during the day.

To consult the up to date timetable,follow the link below or scan the QR code.

Livigno Public Transport

House rules

In order to ensure a relaxed vacation, we would like to make you aware on  the rules of the condominium (abstract from «obligation and rights of owners»)

It kindly requested to:

- respect the hours of rest by lowering all sounds and noises between 9pm-8am and1pm-3pm.

- exclusively use the apartment and parking slot. No use of common areas in the house allowed.

- make use of the apartment only with the people that are checked in.

- consider that animals are not allowed into the apartment.

- consider the hours of Check-in after 4pm./ Check-out before 10am.


By contacting & reserving us directly via this website, email or social media you will receive a 5%* discount on your next stay on a minimum of 2 nights.

Recommend us to friends and family.
In case of a two nights stay from their part, you will receive another 3%* discount to your next stay.
Your Friends will receive5% when booking directly on our channels

*basis for the prices are the rates displayed on in the period requests and on the moment of the request.

For more information, contact us.